Module modules.telemetry.telemetry
Telemetry to parse radio packets, keep history and to log everything. Incoming information comes from rn2483_radio_payloads in payload format. Outputs information to telemetry_json_output in friendly JSON for UI.
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Telemetry to parse radio packets, keep history and to log everything.
Incoming information comes from rn2483_radio_payloads in payload format.
Outputs information to telemetry_json_output in friendly JSON for UI.
from io import BufferedWriter
import logging
from ast import literal_eval
from queue import Queue
import multiprocessing as mp
from multiprocessing import Process, active_children
from pathlib import Path
from signal import signal, SIGTERM
from time import sleep
from typing import Any, TypeAlias
from types import FrameType
from import TelemetryData
from modules.telemetry.status import TelemetryStatus, MissionState, ReplayState
import modules.telemetry.websocket_commands as wsc
from modules.misc.config import Config
from modules.telemetry.replay import TelemetryReplay
from modules.telemetry.parsing_utils import parse_rn2483_transmission, ParsedTransmission
from modules.telemetry.errors import MissionNotFoundError, AlreadyRecordingError, ReplayPlaybackError
# Constants
MISSION_EXTENSION: str = "mission"
# Types
JSON: TypeAlias = dict[str, Any]
# Set up logging
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
def shutdown_sequence(signum: int, stack_frame: FrameType) -> None:
"""Kills all children before terminating. Acts as a signal handler for Telemetry class when receiving SIGTERM."""
for child in active_children():
class Telemetry:
def __init__(
serial_status: Queue[str],
rn2483_radio_payloads: Queue[Any],
rn2483_radio_input: Queue[str],
radio_signal_report: Queue[str],
telemetry_json_output: Queue[JSON],
telemetry_ws_commands: Queue[list[str]],
config: Config,
version: str,
# Multiprocessing Queues to communicate with SerialManager and WebSocketHandler processes
self.serial_status: Queue[str] = serial_status
self.rn2483_radio_payloads: Queue[str] = rn2483_radio_payloads
self.rn2483_radio_input: Queue[str] = rn2483_radio_input
self.radio_signal_report: Queue[str] = radio_signal_report
self.telemetry_json_output: Queue[JSON] = telemetry_json_output
self.telemetry_ws_commands: Queue[list[str]] = telemetry_ws_commands
self.config = config
self.version = version
# Telemetry Status holds the current status of the telemetry backend
# Telemetry Data holds the last few copies of received data blocks stored under the subtype name as a key.
self.status: TelemetryStatus = TelemetryStatus()
self.telemetry_data: TelemetryData = TelemetryData(self.config.telemetry_buffer_size)
# Mission File System
self.missions_dir = Path.cwd().joinpath("missions")
self.missions_dir.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True)
self.mission_path: Path | None = None
# Mission Recording (not in use)
self.mission_recording_file: BufferedWriter | None = None
self.mission_recording_buffer: bytearray = bytearray(b"")
# Replay System
self.replay = None
self.replay_input: Queue[str] = mp.Queue() # type:ignore
self.replay_output: Queue[str] = mp.Queue() # type:ignore
# Handle program closing to ensure no orphan processes
signal(SIGTERM, shutdown_sequence) # type:ignore
# Start Telemetry
def run(self):
while True:
# Sleep for 1 ms
while not self.telemetry_ws_commands.empty():
# Parse websocket command into an enum
commands: list[str] = self.telemetry_ws_commands.get()
command = wsc.parse(commands, wsc.WebsocketCommand)
parameters = commands # Remaining items in the commands list are parameters
self.execute_command(command, parameters)
except AttributeError as e:
except wsc.WebsocketCommandNotFound as e:
while not self.radio_signal_report.empty():
# TODO set radio SNR"SIGNAL DATA {self.radio_signal_report.get()}")
while not self.serial_status.empty():
x = self.serial_status.get().split(" ", maxsplit=1)
logger.debug(f"serial_status: {x}")
self.parse_serial_status(command=x[0], data=x[1])
# Switch data queues between replay and radio depending on mission state
match self.status.mission.state:
case MissionState.RECORDED:
while not self.replay_output.empty():
case _:
while not self.rn2483_radio_payloads.empty():
def update_websocket(self) -> None:
"""Updates the websocket with the latest packet using the JSON output process."""
websocket_response = {
"org": self.config.organization,
"rocket": self.config.rocket_name,
"version": self.version,
"status": dict(self.status),
"telemetry": dict(self.telemetry_data),
def reset_data(self) -> None:
"""Resets all live data on the telemetry backend to a default state."""
self.status = TelemetryStatus()
def parse_serial_status(self, command: str, data: str) -> None:
"""Parses the serial managers status output"""
match command:
case "serial_ports":
self.status.serial.available_ports = literal_eval(data)
case "rn2483_connected":
self.status.rn2483_radio.connected = bool(data)
case "rn2483_port":
if self.status.mission.state != MissionState.DNE:
self.status.rn2483_radio.connected_port = data
match self.status.rn2483_radio.connected_port:
case "":
self.status.mission.state = MissionState.DNE
case _:
self.status.mission.state = MissionState.LIVE
case _:
return None
def execute_command(self, command: wsc.Enum, parameters: list[str]) -> None:
"""Executes the passed websocket command."""
WSCommand = wsc.WebsocketCommand
match command:
case WSCommand.UPDATE:
# Replay commands
case WSCommand.REPLAY.value.PLAY:
if not parameters:
raise ReplayPlaybackError
mission_name = " ".join(parameters)
except MissionNotFoundError as e:
except ReplayPlaybackError as e:
case WSCommand.REPLAY.value.PAUSE:
case WSCommand.REPLAY.value.RESUME:
case WSCommand.REPLAY.value.SPEED:
case WSCommand.REPLAY.value.STOP:
# Record commands
case WSCommand.RECORD.value.STOP:
case WSCommand.RECORD.value.START:
# If there is no mission name, use the default
mission_name = None if not parameters else " ".join(parameters)
except AlreadyRecordingError as e:
except ReplayPlaybackError as e:
case _:
raise NotImplementedError(f"Command {command} not implemented.")
def set_replay_speed(self, speed: float):
"""Set the playback speed of the replay system."""
speed = 0.0 if float(speed) < 0 else float(speed)
except ValueError:
speed = 0.0
# Keeps last played speed updated while preventing it from hitting 0 if past speed is 0
self.status.replay.last_played_speed = self.status.replay.speed if self.status.replay.speed != 0.0 else 1
self.status.replay.speed = speed
# Set replay status based on speed
# If mission is not recorded, replay should be in DNE state.
# if else, set to pause/playing based on speed
if self.status.mission.state != MissionState.RECORDED:
self.status.replay.state = ReplayState.DNE
elif speed == 0.0:
self.status.replay.state = ReplayState.PAUSED
self.replay_input.put(f"speed {speed}")
self.status.replay.state = ReplayState.PLAYING
self.replay_input.put(f"speed {speed}")
def stop_replay(self) -> None:
"""Stops the replay.""""REPLAY STOP")
if self.replay is not None:
self.replay = None
# Empty replay output
self.replay_output: Queue[str] = mp.Queue() # type:ignore
def play_mission(self, mission_name: str) -> None:
"""Plays the desired mission recording."""
# Ensure not doing anything silly
if self.status.mission.recording:
raise AlreadyRecordingError
mission_file = self.missions_dir.joinpath(f"{mission_name}.{MISSION_EXTENSION}")
if mission_file not in self.status.replay.mission_files_list:
raise MissionNotFoundError(mission_name)
# Set output data to current mission = mission_name
# We are not to record when replaying missions
self.status.mission.state = MissionState.RECORDED
self.status.mission.recording = False
# Replay system
if self.replay is None:
self.replay = Process(
speed=self.status.replay.last_played_speed if self.status.replay.last_played_speed > 0 else 1
)"REPLAY {mission_name} PLAYING")
def start_recording(self, mission_name: str | None = None) -> None:
"""Starts recording the current mission. If no mission name is given, the recording epoch is used."""
def stop_recording(self) -> None:
"""Stops the current recording.""""RECORDING STOP")
def process_transmission(self, data: str) -> None:
"""Processes the incoming radio transmission data."""
# Parse the transmission, if result is not null, update telemetry data
parsed_transmission: ParsedTransmission | None = parse_rn2483_transmission(data, self.config)
if parsed_transmission and parsed_transmission.blocks:
# Updates the telemetry buffer with the latest block data and latest mission time
self.telemetry_data.update_telemetry(parsed_transmission.packet_header.version, parsed_transmission.blocks)
# Write data to file when recording
# if self.status.mission.recording:
# logger.debug(f"Recording: {self.status.mission.recording}")
# self.mission_recording_buffer += TelemetryDataBlock(block.subtype, data=block).to_bytes()
# if len(self.mission_recording_buffer) >= 512:
# buffer_length = len(self.mission_recording_buffer)
# self.recording_write_bytes(buffer_length - (buffer_length % 512))
def shutdown_sequence(signum: int, stack_frame: frame) ‑> None
Kills all children before terminating. Acts as a signal handler for Telemetry class when receiving SIGTERM.
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def shutdown_sequence(signum: int, stack_frame: FrameType) -> None: """Kills all children before terminating. Acts as a signal handler for Telemetry class when receiving SIGTERM.""" for child in active_children(): child.terminate() exit(0)
class Telemetry (serial_status: queue.Queue[str], rn2483_radio_payloads: queue.Queue[typing.Any], rn2483_radio_input: queue.Queue[str], radio_signal_report: queue.Queue[str], telemetry_json_output: queue.Queue[dict[str, typing.Any]], telemetry_ws_commands: queue.Queue[list[str]], config: Config, version: str)
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class Telemetry: def __init__( self, serial_status: Queue[str], rn2483_radio_payloads: Queue[Any], rn2483_radio_input: Queue[str], radio_signal_report: Queue[str], telemetry_json_output: Queue[JSON], telemetry_ws_commands: Queue[list[str]], config: Config, version: str, ): super().__init__() # Multiprocessing Queues to communicate with SerialManager and WebSocketHandler processes self.serial_status: Queue[str] = serial_status self.rn2483_radio_payloads: Queue[str] = rn2483_radio_payloads self.rn2483_radio_input: Queue[str] = rn2483_radio_input self.radio_signal_report: Queue[str] = radio_signal_report self.telemetry_json_output: Queue[JSON] = telemetry_json_output self.telemetry_ws_commands: Queue[list[str]] = telemetry_ws_commands self.config = config self.version = version # Telemetry Status holds the current status of the telemetry backend # Telemetry Data holds the last few copies of received data blocks stored under the subtype name as a key. self.status: TelemetryStatus = TelemetryStatus() self.telemetry_data: TelemetryData = TelemetryData(self.config.telemetry_buffer_size) # Mission File System self.missions_dir = Path.cwd().joinpath("missions") self.missions_dir.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True) self.mission_path: Path | None = None # Mission Recording (not in use) self.mission_recording_file: BufferedWriter | None = None self.mission_recording_buffer: bytearray = bytearray(b"") # Replay System self.replay = None self.replay_input: Queue[str] = mp.Queue() # type:ignore self.replay_output: Queue[str] = mp.Queue() # type:ignore # Handle program closing to ensure no orphan processes signal(SIGTERM, shutdown_sequence) # type:ignore # Start Telemetry self.update_websocket() def run(self): while True: # Sleep for 1 ms sleep(0.001) while not self.telemetry_ws_commands.empty(): try: # Parse websocket command into an enum commands: list[str] = self.telemetry_ws_commands.get() command = wsc.parse(commands, wsc.WebsocketCommand) parameters = commands # Remaining items in the commands list are parameters self.execute_command(command, parameters) except AttributeError as e: logger.error(e) except wsc.WebsocketCommandNotFound as e: logger.error(e) while not self.radio_signal_report.empty(): # TODO set radio SNR"SIGNAL DATA {self.radio_signal_report.get()}") while not self.serial_status.empty(): x = self.serial_status.get().split(" ", maxsplit=1) logger.debug(f"serial_status: {x}") self.parse_serial_status(command=x[0], data=x[1]) self.update_websocket() # Switch data queues between replay and radio depending on mission state match self.status.mission.state: case MissionState.RECORDED: while not self.replay_output.empty(): self.process_transmission(self.replay_output.get()) self.update_websocket() case _: while not self.rn2483_radio_payloads.empty(): self.process_transmission(self.rn2483_radio_payloads.get()) self.update_websocket() def update_websocket(self) -> None: """Updates the websocket with the latest packet using the JSON output process.""" websocket_response = { "org": self.config.organization, "rocket": self.config.rocket_name, "version": self.version, "status": dict(self.status), "telemetry": dict(self.telemetry_data), } self.telemetry_json_output.put(websocket_response) def reset_data(self) -> None: """Resets all live data on the telemetry backend to a default state.""" self.status = TelemetryStatus() self.telemetry_data.clear() def parse_serial_status(self, command: str, data: str) -> None: """Parses the serial managers status output""" match command: case "serial_ports": self.status.serial.available_ports = literal_eval(data) case "rn2483_connected": self.status.rn2483_radio.connected = bool(data) case "rn2483_port": if self.status.mission.state != MissionState.DNE: self.reset_data() self.status.rn2483_radio.connected_port = data match self.status.rn2483_radio.connected_port: case "": self.status.mission.state = MissionState.DNE case _: self.status.mission.state = MissionState.LIVE case _: return None def execute_command(self, command: wsc.Enum, parameters: list[str]) -> None: """Executes the passed websocket command.""" WSCommand = wsc.WebsocketCommand match command: case WSCommand.UPDATE: self.status.replay.update_mission_list() # Replay commands case WSCommand.REPLAY.value.PLAY: if not parameters: raise ReplayPlaybackError mission_name = " ".join(parameters) try: self.play_mission(mission_name) except MissionNotFoundError as e: logger.error(e.message) except ReplayPlaybackError as e: logger.error(e.message) case WSCommand.REPLAY.value.PAUSE: self.set_replay_speed(0.0) case WSCommand.REPLAY.value.RESUME: self.set_replay_speed(self.status.replay.last_played_speed) case WSCommand.REPLAY.value.SPEED: self.set_replay_speed(float(parameters[0])) case WSCommand.REPLAY.value.STOP: self.stop_replay() # Record commands case WSCommand.RECORD.value.STOP: self.stop_recording() case WSCommand.RECORD.value.START: # If there is no mission name, use the default mission_name = None if not parameters else " ".join(parameters) try: self.start_recording(mission_name) except AlreadyRecordingError as e: logger.error(e.message) except ReplayPlaybackError as e: logger.error(e.message) case _: raise NotImplementedError(f"Command {command} not implemented.") self.update_websocket() def set_replay_speed(self, speed: float): """Set the playback speed of the replay system.""" try: speed = 0.0 if float(speed) < 0 else float(speed) except ValueError: speed = 0.0 # Keeps last played speed updated while preventing it from hitting 0 if past speed is 0 self.status.replay.last_played_speed = self.status.replay.speed if self.status.replay.speed != 0.0 else 1 self.status.replay.speed = speed # Set replay status based on speed # If mission is not recorded, replay should be in DNE state. # if else, set to pause/playing based on speed if self.status.mission.state != MissionState.RECORDED: self.status.replay.state = ReplayState.DNE elif speed == 0.0: self.status.replay.state = ReplayState.PAUSED self.replay_input.put(f"speed {speed}") else: self.status.replay.state = ReplayState.PLAYING self.replay_input.put(f"speed {speed}") def stop_replay(self) -> None: """Stops the replay.""""REPLAY STOP") if self.replay is not None: self.replay.terminate() self.replay = None # Empty replay output self.replay_output: Queue[str] = mp.Queue() # type:ignore self.reset_data() def play_mission(self, mission_name: str) -> None: """Plays the desired mission recording.""" # Ensure not doing anything silly if self.status.mission.recording: raise AlreadyRecordingError mission_file = self.missions_dir.joinpath(f"{mission_name}.{MISSION_EXTENSION}") if mission_file not in self.status.replay.mission_files_list: raise MissionNotFoundError(mission_name) # Set output data to current mission = mission_name # We are not to record when replaying missions self.status.mission.state = MissionState.RECORDED self.status.mission.recording = False # Replay system if self.replay is None: self.replay = Process( target=TelemetryReplay( self.replay_output, self.replay_input, self.status.replay.speed, mission_file, ).run ) self.replay.start() self.set_replay_speed( speed=self.status.replay.last_played_speed if self.status.replay.last_played_speed > 0 else 1 )"REPLAY {mission_name} PLAYING") def start_recording(self, mission_name: str | None = None) -> None: """Starts recording the current mission. If no mission name is given, the recording epoch is used.""" # TODO def stop_recording(self) -> None: """Stops the current recording.""""RECORDING STOP") # TODO def process_transmission(self, data: str) -> None: """Processes the incoming radio transmission data.""" # Parse the transmission, if result is not null, update telemetry data parsed_transmission: ParsedTransmission | None = parse_rn2483_transmission(data, self.config) if parsed_transmission and parsed_transmission.blocks: # Updates the telemetry buffer with the latest block data and latest mission time self.telemetry_data.update_telemetry(parsed_transmission.packet_header.version, parsed_transmission.blocks) # TODO UPDATE FOR V1 # Write data to file when recording # if self.status.mission.recording: # logger.debug(f"Recording: {self.status.mission.recording}") # self.mission_recording_buffer += TelemetryDataBlock(block.subtype, data=block).to_bytes() # if len(self.mission_recording_buffer) >= 512: # buffer_length = len(self.mission_recording_buffer) # self.recording_write_bytes(buffer_length - (buffer_length % 512))
def execute_command(self, command: enum.Enum, parameters: list[str]) ‑> None
Executes the passed websocket command.
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def execute_command(self, command: wsc.Enum, parameters: list[str]) -> None: """Executes the passed websocket command.""" WSCommand = wsc.WebsocketCommand match command: case WSCommand.UPDATE: self.status.replay.update_mission_list() # Replay commands case WSCommand.REPLAY.value.PLAY: if not parameters: raise ReplayPlaybackError mission_name = " ".join(parameters) try: self.play_mission(mission_name) except MissionNotFoundError as e: logger.error(e.message) except ReplayPlaybackError as e: logger.error(e.message) case WSCommand.REPLAY.value.PAUSE: self.set_replay_speed(0.0) case WSCommand.REPLAY.value.RESUME: self.set_replay_speed(self.status.replay.last_played_speed) case WSCommand.REPLAY.value.SPEED: self.set_replay_speed(float(parameters[0])) case WSCommand.REPLAY.value.STOP: self.stop_replay() # Record commands case WSCommand.RECORD.value.STOP: self.stop_recording() case WSCommand.RECORD.value.START: # If there is no mission name, use the default mission_name = None if not parameters else " ".join(parameters) try: self.start_recording(mission_name) except AlreadyRecordingError as e: logger.error(e.message) except ReplayPlaybackError as e: logger.error(e.message) case _: raise NotImplementedError(f"Command {command} not implemented.") self.update_websocket()
def parse_serial_status(self, command: str, data: str) ‑> None
Parses the serial managers status output
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def parse_serial_status(self, command: str, data: str) -> None: """Parses the serial managers status output""" match command: case "serial_ports": self.status.serial.available_ports = literal_eval(data) case "rn2483_connected": self.status.rn2483_radio.connected = bool(data) case "rn2483_port": if self.status.mission.state != MissionState.DNE: self.reset_data() self.status.rn2483_radio.connected_port = data match self.status.rn2483_radio.connected_port: case "": self.status.mission.state = MissionState.DNE case _: self.status.mission.state = MissionState.LIVE case _: return None
def play_mission(self, mission_name: str) ‑> None
Plays the desired mission recording.
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def play_mission(self, mission_name: str) -> None: """Plays the desired mission recording.""" # Ensure not doing anything silly if self.status.mission.recording: raise AlreadyRecordingError mission_file = self.missions_dir.joinpath(f"{mission_name}.{MISSION_EXTENSION}") if mission_file not in self.status.replay.mission_files_list: raise MissionNotFoundError(mission_name) # Set output data to current mission = mission_name # We are not to record when replaying missions self.status.mission.state = MissionState.RECORDED self.status.mission.recording = False # Replay system if self.replay is None: self.replay = Process( target=TelemetryReplay( self.replay_output, self.replay_input, self.status.replay.speed, mission_file, ).run ) self.replay.start() self.set_replay_speed( speed=self.status.replay.last_played_speed if self.status.replay.last_played_speed > 0 else 1 )"REPLAY {mission_name} PLAYING")
def process_transmission(self, data: str) ‑> None
Processes the incoming radio transmission data.
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def process_transmission(self, data: str) -> None: """Processes the incoming radio transmission data.""" # Parse the transmission, if result is not null, update telemetry data parsed_transmission: ParsedTransmission | None = parse_rn2483_transmission(data, self.config) if parsed_transmission and parsed_transmission.blocks: # Updates the telemetry buffer with the latest block data and latest mission time self.telemetry_data.update_telemetry(parsed_transmission.packet_header.version, parsed_transmission.blocks) # TODO UPDATE FOR V1 # Write data to file when recording # if self.status.mission.recording: # logger.debug(f"Recording: {self.status.mission.recording}") # self.mission_recording_buffer += TelemetryDataBlock(block.subtype, data=block).to_bytes() # if len(self.mission_recording_buffer) >= 512: # buffer_length = len(self.mission_recording_buffer) # self.recording_write_bytes(buffer_length - (buffer_length % 512))
def reset_data(self) ‑> None
Resets all live data on the telemetry backend to a default state.
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def reset_data(self) -> None: """Resets all live data on the telemetry backend to a default state.""" self.status = TelemetryStatus() self.telemetry_data.clear()
def run(self)
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def run(self): while True: # Sleep for 1 ms sleep(0.001) while not self.telemetry_ws_commands.empty(): try: # Parse websocket command into an enum commands: list[str] = self.telemetry_ws_commands.get() command = wsc.parse(commands, wsc.WebsocketCommand) parameters = commands # Remaining items in the commands list are parameters self.execute_command(command, parameters) except AttributeError as e: logger.error(e) except wsc.WebsocketCommandNotFound as e: logger.error(e) while not self.radio_signal_report.empty(): # TODO set radio SNR"SIGNAL DATA {self.radio_signal_report.get()}") while not self.serial_status.empty(): x = self.serial_status.get().split(" ", maxsplit=1) logger.debug(f"serial_status: {x}") self.parse_serial_status(command=x[0], data=x[1]) self.update_websocket() # Switch data queues between replay and radio depending on mission state match self.status.mission.state: case MissionState.RECORDED: while not self.replay_output.empty(): self.process_transmission(self.replay_output.get()) self.update_websocket() case _: while not self.rn2483_radio_payloads.empty(): self.process_transmission(self.rn2483_radio_payloads.get()) self.update_websocket()
def set_replay_speed(self, speed: float)
Set the playback speed of the replay system.
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def set_replay_speed(self, speed: float): """Set the playback speed of the replay system.""" try: speed = 0.0 if float(speed) < 0 else float(speed) except ValueError: speed = 0.0 # Keeps last played speed updated while preventing it from hitting 0 if past speed is 0 self.status.replay.last_played_speed = self.status.replay.speed if self.status.replay.speed != 0.0 else 1 self.status.replay.speed = speed # Set replay status based on speed # If mission is not recorded, replay should be in DNE state. # if else, set to pause/playing based on speed if self.status.mission.state != MissionState.RECORDED: self.status.replay.state = ReplayState.DNE elif speed == 0.0: self.status.replay.state = ReplayState.PAUSED self.replay_input.put(f"speed {speed}") else: self.status.replay.state = ReplayState.PLAYING self.replay_input.put(f"speed {speed}")
def start_recording(self, mission_name: Optional[str] = None) ‑> None
Starts recording the current mission. If no mission name is given, the recording epoch is used.
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def start_recording(self, mission_name: str | None = None) -> None: """Starts recording the current mission. If no mission name is given, the recording epoch is used.""" # TODO
def stop_recording(self) ‑> None
Stops the current recording.
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def stop_recording(self) -> None: """Stops the current recording.""""RECORDING STOP") # TODO
def stop_replay(self) ‑> None
Stops the replay.
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def stop_replay(self) -> None: """Stops the replay.""""REPLAY STOP") if self.replay is not None: self.replay.terminate() self.replay = None # Empty replay output self.replay_output: Queue[str] = mp.Queue() # type:ignore self.reset_data()
def update_websocket(self) ‑> None
Updates the websocket with the latest packet using the JSON output process.
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def update_websocket(self) -> None: """Updates the websocket with the latest packet using the JSON output process.""" websocket_response = { "org": self.config.organization, "rocket": self.config.rocket_name, "version": self.version, "status": dict(self.status), "telemetry": dict(self.telemetry_data), } self.telemetry_json_output.put(websocket_response)